How old you are:14
Timezone:ET(Eastern Timezone)
How long you have been with VerinCraft and your average play time per day: A few days but i have been redirected to apply and im usually on servers 4 or 5 hours each day. and by servers i mean this one.
Previous server staff positions on other servers (and possibly why you aren't there anymore): I have been head admin on 2 servers, admin on 3, mod on 5, and op on 1. I am still head admin on 2 Admin on 1 and mod on none. Alot of the servers shut down and the ones that are still ups ips are:[NO SERVER IPS] [NO SERVER IPS] and the other one is [NO SERVER IPS]
Why you think your qualified: This server is great. I just have to say that up and front. But i have witnessed many disrespectful acts to staff and people that should be banned. So i believe that if this server has a few more mods or admins then we can stop those cheaters. Also i am very qualified with being a mod or admin. I give players a chance to explain the situation instead of being an overpowered fool.
Cheers -MBrooksy