IGN: AmAz3_xSw33TzZ.
How old I am: 17.
Timezone: Central Daylight Times
How long you have been with VerinCraft and your average play time per day: Four weeks and 7-8 hours a day.
Previous server staff positions on other servers: I have been admins on servers and I left them because the server was shutdown.
Why I think I'm qualified: I like to help players, I don't allow pvplogging , I don't give things to people who ask unless I already have what they want. (I won't use creative to spawn stuff for people.) , I can help Brood build new things shops spawns etc. , I don't grief when I am admin or mod on other servers because admins can break any where , And when I think of and admin or a mod I think they shoulod be nice and helpful to the players of the server especially the new players (Which I try to do), I will also be spending as much time on this server as I can and I love this server.