As I like to stay organized here is a post about The Legion (get ready for some serious roleplaying)
The Legion (formerly- Illuminati)
Leader and Legate - Ragdollkilla12
Most trusted General and Centurion - Quazimofo
Centurion - Zz_IcoN_zZ
Phalanx - coolmario
Phalanx - snorkmaster
Legionare - Zaelimos
Legionare - Mr_Zeepic
Legionare - AKTheknight
If I have forgotten a name it is because you are unimportant to me or inactive... post your name on this thread and I will decide to keep you or not... Or should you wish to join The Legion contact ragdollkilla12 in game by using /mail send ragdoll [message] if i am not online